Your Turn To Discover!

My mom. And her Smith-Corona. Working on a college paper. I still have that typewriter. One of my many reminders of Mom.

If you find yourself in a reflective mood after one or more chapters, I hope these questions help you rediscover some of your own life lessons.

Chapter 1: Some Things You Don’t Want to Inherit
The scariest bogeyman is the one in your head.

  1. What did you fear as a child?

  2. How do you deal with your own fears?

  3. What’s the biggest fear you need to overcome today?

Chapter 2: Why Painters Use Drop Cloths
Loved ones die, but they never leave.

  1. Who have you lost?

  2. What impact has the loss of a loved one had on you?

  3. How can you keep a lost loved one a part of your life today?

Chapter 3: Playing Post Office
Clean your desk. Clear the clutter. Then focus.

  1. How did your parents deal with stress?

  2. How do you deal with bigger issues in your own life?

  3. Is there an issue needing your attention today?

Chapter 4: I’m Sorry, What Did You Say?
Welcome good advice with action.

  1. What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

  2. Who have been the important teachers in your life?

  3. What advice do you need to follow today?

Chapter 5: Give and Take
The best caregivers have received the best care.

  1. As a child, were you more of a caregiver or a receiver?

  2. Who taught you how to care for others?

  3. Do you need more balance in being both a caregiver and receiver?

Chapter 6: I Can’t Believe You Said That
When you can’t be brilliant with words, be brilliant with your arms.

  1. Can you think of a time when—as a child—someone said exactly the right (or wrong!) thing to you?

  2. Are you a person who tries to fix a situation with words?

  3. Is there someone who needs a hug from you today?

Chapter 7: Mom and Dad Were Doing It
Meaningful tears fall from eyes that know how to laugh.

  1. Are your childhood memories filled with laughter?

  2. How do you deal with stress or pressure in your life?

  3. Is there a part of your life, today, that needs more laughter?

Chapter 8: Growing into My Running Shoes
There’s only one person stopping you from being who you were meant to be.

  1. Were you labeled as anything specific as a child, such as unathletic, geeky, or awkward?

  2. When have you surprised yourself with your own abilities or talents?

  3. Do you have a label you need to shed today?

Chapter 9: Mum’s the Word
Unless you have a gardener, you’re in charge of splitting your own mums.

  1. Were you raised in a family of “joiners”?

  2. Do you have a hard time saying “no” to a request?

  3. Is there a part of your life—right now—that needs to be simplified?

Chapter 10: The Real Dirt
Plant yourself in good soil.

  1. How “fertile” was the soil from your childhood?

  2. Who—or what—has made the soil in your life more fertile?

  3. Is there some soil in your life in need of nourishment today?

Chapter 11: That’s Why They Call It Work
Work isn’t everything.

  1. How did your parents view work and rest?

  2. When did you last feel recharged?

  3. Do you need to schedule downtime or reprioritize things in your life?

Chapter 12: Summertime, and the Livin’ Is Easy

  1. Did your family play together when you were a child?

  2. Who do you enjoy relaxing with?

  3. Do you need to encourage people in your life to rest?

Chapter 13: Here Comes Santa Claus
The first step to achieving is believing.

  1. What did you believe in as a child?

  2. Where do you find strength when faced with adversity?

  3. What do you need to believe in today?

Chapter 14: Lifeguard on Duty
Lifeguards are always on duty.

  1. Were you raised in a family that helped others?

  2. Who are your lifeguards?

  3. Who do you need to help today?

Chapter 15: Will You Sign My Yearbook?
Say it. Write it. Today.

  1. As a child, who gave you encouragement and positive comments?

  2. When have you missed an opportunity to tell someone something important?

  3. Is there a message you need to share with someone today?

Chapter 16: Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da, Life Goes On
Life flies. Watch your time.

  1. As a child, who were the people in your life who seemed to live a rich, full, adventurous life?

  2. Do you dream about rediscovering yourself?

  3. Is it time to make a change in your life? If so, what’s holding you back?

Chapter 17: I Wish They All Could Be California Girls
Ask. And you just might receive.

  1. Who was your most trusted friend as a child?

  2. When you are in need, who do you turn to?

  3. Is there someone you need to lean on for help today?

Chapter 18: Camp Songs
There’s a camper—and a counselor—inside us all.

  1. Who cheered for you when you were a child?

  2. In what areas of your life do you need encouragement and support?

  3. Who needs to hear you cheer today?

Chapter 19: Whipped Cream Wonders
Celebrate something every day.

  1. What were your favorite celebrations as a child?

  2. Do you tend to celebrate or entertain?

  3. What do you need to celebrate today?

Chapter 20: I’d Rather Be the Jackson Five
Embrace who you are.

  1. What role did you play in your family as a child?

  2. Has your relationship with siblings and other family members changed over time?

  3. Are there things you can do to strengthen and improve relationships with your family?

Chapter 21: But I Want a Puppy!
The best gifts find you. Let it happen.

  1. What were some of the best gifts you received as a child?

  2. What is the most cherished gift you received as an adult?

  3. Is there something preventing you from receiving the gifts that are waiting for you today?

Chapter 22: I Hate You, Donny Osmond
Life is a series of transitions. Eventually, you need to move on.

  1. As a child, was it easy for you to move on to new things and experiences?

  2. When was the last significant “transition” in your own life?

  3. Is there something in your life today that is preventing you from moving forward?

Chapter 23: Dear Glady . . .
Don’t strive for perfection. Be authentic. Be content.

  1. Can you remember the feeling, as a child, of living a day when you felt totally alive and content?

  2. When is the last time you didn’t want a day to end?

  3. What keeps you from living in the moment and embracing your days?

Chapter 24: Snoopin’ in Mom’s Purse
Expect the unexpected.

  1. Do you have a cherished keepsake from someone important to you?

  2. What are some of the simple moments from your past that have left a lasting impact on your life?

  3. Do you live for tomorrow at the expense of today?

Chapter 25: Wait, There’s More!
Lessons happen every day.

  1. Do you feel connected to the lessons in your life?

  2. Do you contribute to the life lessons of others?

  3. Are you ready to start living today?

Congratulations. You are on your way to discovering your own life lessons.


Wait, There’s More!